Monday, April 26, 2021

Family reflection paper

Family reflection paper

family reflection paper

Reflective essay about your family (Sample) The main purpose behind writing a reflective essay about one’s family is to acknowledge the efforts and help one has gained from their family members. In fact, such a paper is not a mere storytelling of events that have taken place in family contexts, neither is it a description of the personal attributes of each blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins If you like to do it, the best way is to write a reflective paper to tell your friends and family about your emotions and feeling about that movie. Reflection papers are not limited to movies; you can also elaborate your feelings about motion picture, event, a person, or even your favorite trips. So what makes a perfect reflection paper?  · Family is likely one of the most powerful forces in the entire world. And there are things about it that make it that way. Though for each of us, family is different; it is still home, it is a place to belong and it is that place where we fit in is knowing that no one coulEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins

How to Write a Reflection Paper: Examples and Format

Family reflection BY mk Family family reflection paper one of the primitive institutions in society. Its organization and the relationship between generations shape values formation, economic outcomes and may even influences national institutions. This primitive institution though is also a group of people who interact and influence each other. Adams is the owner of a company and he is a well respected person in the specific business despite.

He has never attended University. Adams is a c. executive in a multinational company, ever since her University graduation and she is also considered to be a successful professional. They are the parents of two male aged 24 and 26 and were married around the age of Their eldest son works in his father company and the youngest lives and works abroad. Adams comes from a troubled family, family reflection paper, he has one brother, with whom no contact exists for many years, and their mother was the second wife of their father.

His father was a troubled man compulsively Jealous of his ife often psychologically abusing his wife and he had beaten her twice one of them was in front of Mr. Adams who protected her and threaten his warned his father never to do so again. His mother was a traditional passive person nearly unable to support and protect herself and believed that men have every right to be authoritative.

His father owned a company in the same field Mr. Adams is activated and his mother a housewife. Adams comes also rom a troubled family, her father was a gambler and her mother was an alcoholic, to this alcoholic woman Mr. and Mrs. Adams assigned the care giving of their children. Adams father was an accountant who was prematurely retired because of a heart condition due his weight and ner mother family reflection paper a nousewite.

Adams who was working at the family business supported Mrs. Adams during her studies at the University. Both Mr. Adams used to work long hours and were determined to succeed in their professions and earn us more money as possible. They always valued powerful and rich people and put great effort to improve their social status and they have achieved that. Their way of living has been, rather superficial following the trends of the Greek society over the recent years.

They live in a m 2 house in family reflection paper suburb, travelling a lot to exotic places and in general live a luxury life. They value and respect others on the basis of their financial and social status, especially Mrs. None of the children ever attended university or was keen to be an educated person and until recently they all lived under the same roof.

When their eldest son reached the adolescent years he presented symptoms of deviant behavior including marihuana use, arrests for graffiti and aggressive behavior. Two years ago Mr, family reflection paper. Adams discovered that his youngest son was a heroin user. He found out about he addiction only family reflection paper of the fact that his son fell into o comma.

Until that day he had not realized anything even though they lived and worked together. Adams on the other hand knew family reflection paper about the problem, her son had written a letter he passed to his mother, family reflection paper, in this letter he admitted his addiction and asked for her help, family reflection paper.

In her point of view she was helping him trying to spend time with him, family reflection paper, something that she did not use to do before, family reflection paper, going out with him, hiding the problem from her husband and not consulting a specialist. As mentioned above both Mr. Adams, worked hard to achieve a better social and family reflection paper status spending family reflection paper time with their children, even on holidays.

They promoted a life style for their children which was based on their suppressed childhood wishes like piano and painting lessons and complained when the children refused to go along. Adams was dominated by his own father and grew up in a severe environment where strict rules were applied.

Adams was covering up his mother, family reflection paper. As a father Mr. Adams was determined not to be strict at all, he claims that he tried to have an open and trusted relation with his children and never doubted or checked on them. This attitude did not family reflection paper even when both children failed in their school exams for the first time.

Nobody bothered to improve their educational level, instead the children were sent to a family reflection paper summer camping while Mr. Adams left for their holiday trip. No rules were set even after a call from the local police station here the eldest son was taken after he was caught for graffiti on private property, family reflection paper. Graffiti on public and private property was his idea of entertainment, family reflection paper.

The relation of Mr. Adams could be characterized as a detached one, they both have been involved in intimate relations with other people, and this was a situation they both knew but avoid discussing about it, family reflection paper. Her relation with her children was also detached, family reflection paper, both children from time to time omplained in public mentioning that sne did not use to caress them, or cook tor them, family reflection paper, or that when she and her husband were away for vacation she used to ask the housekeeper not to work during her absence despite that the two children were living at home, or that she used to call and remind them to take care of the dog in a way that really bothered them; you two animals take care of my baby.

She is a superficial fashion victim acting always in a trendy way. The eldest son remembers that she used to tie his brother with a leash as soon as he started walking. She also believes that when you do not speak about a problem this does no longer exist or will automatically go away. Based on this belief she thought that if she would spend time with her son, family reflection paper, his addiction problem would go away.

She also claimed fear that her husband would leave her if he found out about this, so he persuaded her other son not to reveal the problem. They both were upset when the father found out about the addiction. Both parents had a strange attitude towards their children; they never set rules or limits trusting that their children would behave as adults and on the other hand whenever a threat to their marriage would appear they both claimed that they should stay married family reflection paper their children shake and that their children need them.

About a year ago Mr, family reflection paper. Adams decided to leave his home and ask for a divorce.

Adams talked him out of this; one of her arguments was their addicted son. Their son was already living in another country, had long ago overcome the withdrawal symptoms of his addiction, he was and still is regularly seeing a therapist, he lives with a woman with whom he has an intimate relation and recently he got a better Job at customer service of a multinational company of consumable products. This increased the anxiety they experience due to the economical recession.

All their life has been concentrated about pursuing of prosperity, a prosperity which of course they shared with their children. And this was their main role in the family. They considered their children education and culture as part of their social status and never really wondered what the children themselves would like to do with their lives.

The parents had unresolved issues from their childhood. Issues, they never faced not even when the Greek therapist of their son pointed out that they should. They all felt relief when their son decided to move to another country, the parents because they would not be obliged to be part of problem solving and thus they would not be obliged to face their repressed difficulties, and the eldest son relieved his guilt because in a way he was the one who introduced his brother to drugs.

This family has a weak ierarchy, and usually avoids conflict and definitely avoids facing their problems and the family reflection paper on them. The parents were trapped with the children and are unable to resolve the contlict between family reflection paper. Due to the structure ot their tamilies Mr. and M Adams thought that they were autonomous persons, family reflection paper, but they seem to have confused autonomy with isolation, family reflection paper.

Both of them react with an immature way, and think that the change of scenery will automatically resolve any conflict. They both refuse to resolve their issues and bring to the present the problems of the past.

Family reflection paper seem nable to handle the stress and in cases of crisis their anxiety is out of control. The eldest son also avoids facing and resolving his own issues. The only person in the family who tries to find a way to deal with his problems is the youngest son. He was the most vulnerable person and desperately looking for help. As he was disappointed from his family attitude and unwillingness to face the problem he decided to leave the country, family reflection paper, ask for help abroad; find out who he really is and what he wants to do with his life.

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Reflection on Family - Words | Bartleby

family reflection paper

Reflective essay about your family (Sample) The main purpose behind writing a reflective essay about one’s family is to acknowledge the efforts and help one has gained from their family members. In fact, such a paper is not a mere storytelling of events that have taken place in family contexts, neither is it a description of the personal attributes of each blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · Homepage > Writing Samples > Academic Writing Samples > Essay Samples > Reflective Essay Samples > Family 03 Mar '18 /5. Family A family at first glance can be simple to define, but if one truly delves into what constitutes a family, it gets muddier. Though we are supposedly born into a family, we can also acquire a family, or a group /5 Family Reflection Paper. Words | 6 Pages. Family according to societal standards is viewed as a couple consisting of a man and a woman joined in marriage with children living in the same household. However, the meaning of family is continuously refined as society begins to accept nontraditional families

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